GrowLab is a comprehensive program that provides advisory services to web3 startups to ensure their success and readiness for fundraising. With a deep understanding of the web3 ecosystem, our experts work closely with startups to identify key areas of improvement and provide tailored guidance to help them achieve their goals.

In addition, GrowLab also supports accelerators in selecting and supporting the right projects. We leverage our vast network and expertise to evaluate and identify promising startups that are best positioned for success.

Whether you're a web3 startup or an accelerator, GrowLab is the ultimate resource for expert guidance and support to help you navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of the web3 world.

Here’s a full overview of what this innovative program entails.

Components and system

The GrowLab program comprises an extensive array of diverse advisory services that encompass every vital aspect and domain that projects must navigate before, during, and after the fundraising phase, namely:


These areas efficiently cover all crucial phases of a project’s development timeline, spanning from ideation to the go-to-market phase and beyond, making GrowLab suitable for startups at any stage of their journey:


At the same time, we understand that not all startups in the same developmental stage have identical needs. To address this, we have introduced an innovative pointing system. This modular approach consists of a total of 260 points distributed across approximately 30 hours of dedicated 1-to-1 consultancy sessions, and it’s thoughtfully crafted by our experts based on your unique requirements. Moreover, it can be further customized to align with your preferences, provided that all selected projects will have access to at least 10 angel investor meetings.


<aside> <img src="/icons/downward_green.svg" alt="/icons/downward_green.svg" width="40px" /> You can checkout sample of Modular Pointing System here:


GrowLab Pointing System (SAMPLE)


The GrowLab program welcomes Web3 projects of all sizes and stages, allowing them to apply conveniently through our website at any time, as applications are not limited to specific cohorts.